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Ty Conner edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 6 revisions


Generators are used for spawning objects. Those objects can be creatures, items, and containers.

The anatomy of a generator.

There are 2 parts to a generator. The general generator properties (the Integers, Floats, etc.), and what are called profiles under “weenie_properties_generator”.

General Generator Properties


Integer   Property                      Description
81        MaxGeneratedObjects           Maximum Generator Profile Slots (more on this below)
82        InitGeneratedObjects          How many profile slots will be generated when generator is initialized
100       GeneratorType                 Not Used in ACE
103       GeneratorDestructionType      When generator is destroyed, this is what happens to its spawns
142       GeneratorTimeType             When a generator is powered on or powered off
143       GeneratorStartTime            Epoc Time Stamp – Realtime Start
144       GeneratorEndTime              Epoc Time Stamp – Realtime End
145       GeneratorEndDestructionType   When generator is powered off, this is what happens to its spawns

Integer Property Notes:

Property 81-Maximum Generator Objects This is called a profile slot. Basically, when the generator is initialized this is the maximum amount of generator profiles slots(i.e. spawns, each line/profile under “weenie_properties_generator”) that the generator will attempt to make every time the Regeneration Interval time is up.

Property 82-Initial Generator Objects The minimum amount of profile slots (i.e. spawns, each line/profile under “weenie_properties_generator”) that the generator will attempt to make when the generator is initialized.

Property 103-Destruction Type Options are below. Should be set to 2 (Destroy) unless you know what you are doing.

0	Undefined
1	Nothing
2	Destroy
3	Kill

Property 142-Time Type Options are below. Generally, should be set to 0 (Undefined and is always on), unless doing night/day spawns (like Graveyard) or event based generation. If you select 1 (RealTime), you will need to set properties 143 & 144. If you select 3 (Event), you will need to set String property 34.

0	Undefined
1	RealTime
2	Defined
3	Event
4	Night
5	Day

Property 143-StartTime If you set Property 142 to 1 (RealTime), you will have to specify the start time here. In EPOC time. (need example)

Property 144-StopTime If you set Property 142 to 1 (RealTime), you will have to specify the stop time here. In EPOC time. (need example)

Property 145-End Destruction Type Options are below. Only used when a start and stop time is specified. Should be set to a 1 (Nothing).

0	Undefined
1	Nothing
2	Destroy
3	Kill


Float   Property                 Description
41      RegenerationInterval     How often a gen will try to spawn something (seconds)
43      GeneratorRadius          How big of a circle a generator can spawn an object. For use with scatter
121     GeneratorInitialDelay    Default is 0 (seconds). Only applies for Generators that have a GeneratorTimeType > 0

Float Property Notes:

Property 41-Regeneration Interval This is in seconds. The is how often the generator will attempt to generate a profile under “weenie_properties_generator” if there is a vacant slot from Property 81-Maximum Generator Objects (i.e. if a generated mob has been killed, an item picked up, or container item generated).

Property 43-Generator Radius This is only used if Scatter is used on a generator profile. This will be discussed more in the Generator Profiles section.

Property 121-Initial Delay This is in seconds. How long after the generator is initialized before generator tries to spawn an object.


Bool    Property                         Description
74      GeneratorAutomaticDestruction    For Live Events. If True, will destroy the Generator after all profiles are killed.
                                         Will not respawn generator (Not used currently)

Boolean Property Notes:

Property 74-Auto Destruction It appears this was For Live Events in retail. If True, will destroy the Generator after all profiles are killed. Generator will delete itself after all current spawns have been killed or picked up. Will only return on server restart or landblock unload/reload


String    Property          Description
34        GeneratorEvent    Unique name of Event this generator is associated with

String Property Notes:

Property 34-GeneratorEvent For generators with GeneratorTimeType 3 (Event), this string is a unique key for the world to track when an event is started and stopped, usually via emotes on NPCs in reaction to various things occurring.