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Create Delete Instances and Generator Notes

harliq edited this page Apr 20, 2020 · 1 revision

Create/Delete Instances and Generator Notes


Create a new landblock instance:

/createinst <wcid or classname>

Create a new landblock child instance linked to a parent:

/createinst -p <parent guid> -c <wcid or classname>

Create a new landblock child instance linked to last appraised object parent: (appraise parent object)

/createinst -c <wcid or classname>

Create a new landblock instance w/ a specific guid:

/createinst <wcid or classname> <guid>


Specific guids can be specified in long or short format: 0x7ABCD100, 7ABCD100, 0x100, 100 would all be equivalent for landblock 0xABCD static guid 0x100


Timer to respawn would all be controlled through generators. The landblock instance would be a generator, and then you would specify all the respawn timers in that generator weenie.


WCID	Description	
----	-----------
1154 	Linkable Monster Generator
4219 	Linkable Monster Generator ( 7 Min. )
7923 	Linkable Monster Generator ( 3 Min. )
7924 	Linkable Monster Generator ( 5 Min. )
7925 	Linkable Monster Generator ( 10 Min.)
7926 	Linkable Monster Generator ( 20 Min.)
7932 	Linkable Monster Generator ( 4 Min. )
9284 	Linkable Monster Generator
21120 	Linkable Monster Generator
24129 	Linkable Monster Generator ( 2 Min.)